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Registered Massage Therapists

Magenta Health


This Registered Massage Therapist uses Veribook to schedule a variety of client sessions.

Customers access a customized and branded booking page created by Veribook to match the therapist’s own website. This page lists the various lengths of appointments available, together with their price.


Clients choose a length of appointment, and proceed to schedule their appointment in just a few seconds without needing to sign-up for an account.

The client is also provided an immediate confirmation of the appointment on their device, and an email confirmation is sent to the client with further information. A reminder is also sent automatically a day before the client’s appointment, to further reduce no-shows.


Customers can cancel or reschedule appointments online as well, in accordance with the deadlines set in place by the therapist. Cancelled appointment timeslots are immediately made available to other customers, to minimize unnecessary downtime and gaps in the day.
